Wednesday, September 19, 2007

the best for last (and the first was best)

The best wedding of the season, by far, was my little brother Kyle, who married his love, Amy, on April 21.

I couldn't be happier that he chose her to join our family - what a blessing she is! She complements him perfectly, and their wedding was a really eloquent expression of who they are together.

Beyond the fact that the groom was my much-loved brother, this was the most beautiful wedding I've seen. Aesthetically, it was lovely: a mid-nineteenth century church - complete with picturesque churchyard - elegant flowers, lovely colors, gorgeous gown -- even a picture-perfect spring afternoon! But it was the meaning and symbolism behind each part of the ceremony that was very, very special.

My brother and his (now) wife love Jesus more than anything. They opened their wedding by singing His praise, and they centered their vows on His instructions for their love to one another. They paused to wash each other's feet in the middle of the ceremony, offering a vivid illustration of Christ's service to His followers, and of their desire each to serve the other in the same way. One set of readings, from Song of Songs, was read in response by Rob and Sonia, husband and wife who are both dear friends of Kyle and Amy, and it was surprisingly fresh to hear each part read by a lover and his beloved.

I was honored to stand up with them as a bridesmaid, and from where I stood I had a straight line of sight to where my parents sat in the front left pew. We none of us kept back tears at our deep, deep happiness for Kyle. Goodness, I'm tearing up just writing this! I very much doubt that I can express how special this day was. I'll let some pictures serve as my best attempt...

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